Saturday, June 30, 2007

Post Op Day 10 and Expanded 10 times

I did my 10th expansion today. I have an ortho appointment on Monday and I hoping but doubtful that they will say, Ok we're done....time for braces! Wouldn't that be cool! Anyways you can tell by my pictures that I am moving along as I should be. My swelling has gone almost completely down and I only ended up having one bruise on the side of my face that turned up to be light green and then faded from there (you can kinda see it in the last pic). So I think I am pretty lucky about that. I am not in any pain whatsoever. I still have my stitches and my entire gumline above my top teeth is completely numb. It is so weird not to be able to feel myself touch there. Every once in awhile I will get a twinge where my stitches are but its not bad. Well I must go watch a movie with my honey now....

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