Tuesday, June 26, 2007

6 days post op and feeling pretty dorky!

Well it is day 6 after my surgery and I feel pretty good. I went to the ortho today and did my first real expansion. I am to expand twice a day for one week. It is a weird feeling but it's not really painful at all. Just a lot of pressure in my head and sinus areas. All of the ladies said that I look really good for just having surgery. Some of them couldn't even see the swelling. So that was very nice to hear. It must be from all of the vitamins that I took. I go back to work tomorrow so that should be interesting. I am getting really frustrated with eating. I have a big appetite right now and I can't eat squat! I hate that. I have lost 4 pounds already. Also, I get hot flashes. I have always had them but I have had like 3 in the past couple of days and that is a lot for me!

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