Sunday, June 24, 2007

4 days post op

Well it is day 4 post op and I feel pretty good today. I have decided not to take anymore percocet, only Ib profen. This picture was yesterday evening: And this picture was like 10 minutes ago:

And this is my lovely gap:

Its terrible already but oh well...I will get used to it I suppose. There is still a lot going on with my mouth. I can feel stitches and wires and of course the expander. It makes brushing a little difficult. So far, no bloody noses like the doc said there would be and I am taking stuff for nasal conjestion which is either working really good or I just don't have any. Also, no bruising! Soups are getting really boring mainly cause I can't find any that I really like so I am just eating chicken noodle. For my other meals I have been eating Malt-o-meal, gogurt (really good frozen), shakes, smoothies and drinking Vitiman water. But I am craving all kinds of food that I can't eat...which is good cause I really thought that I wouldn't have an appetite. Anyways, I am kinda all over the place but just wanted to say, that I feel good!

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