Saturday, June 23, 2007

3 days post op

This was just before surgery around 6:00am:

Several hours after surgery, after I finally woke up:

Post Op day 1 am:

Post op day 1 Pm:

Post Op day 2 Pm:

You can see here that my swelling was the worst on Day 2. I would say that my discomfort was the worst that day as well. I had to take two painkillers throughout the day to even make a difference. I feel ok today (no pics yet). My face feels very large and talking is a little slurry but my hubby understands me just fine. The stitches underneath my top lip feel very odd being there. It makes it feel like my lip is stuck to my gums and I can't move it very well. I also have a gap already, which is REALLY weird. I have never had a gap in my mouth before so I look totally different. Anyways, I feel better than I thought I would and this surgery was much easier than I expected. Of course, I did go into it with a very positive attitude, which may have helped.

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