Saturday, July 7, 2007

17 days post op and 15 turns

Today I actually branched out a little and ate some different things that required me to chew a little more than normal. First I had In-and-Out french fries at lunch (along with a chocolate shake) and then at dinner I had some spinach and cherry tomatoes along with brownies.....mmmmm. Im feeling better about having a bigger variety of things to eat. One thing that I had that I would'nt have normally ordered was a baked sweet potato at Claim Jumper. It came with butter and brown sugar and it was really good. Well you can see from my photo that my gap is getting bigger as promised. At this point, I only have one more turn tomorrow! Yay!
So far, I have not really been able to see a difference in my profile but I think that is because my teeth are still sticking out even though I have expanded quite a bit. My ortho told me that if I was bored that I could start to put pressure on my two front teeth and start pushing them upwards towards my nose but not back together yet...bummer. So I have been trying that but it hurts my fingers to do it so I can only hold it for a minute or so.
Ug.....thats how I feel about this smile right now. It just looks so choppy and messed up. So many people don't understand why I am doing all of this. They think that my teeth were perfectly fine before....but they don't realize how much having messed up teeth has been hanging over my head for years. Because I had braces before and had to get them off early and then 7 years later was able to actually finish what was started.
Here is my bite right now....pretty bad huh. Even if I was allowed to chew I don't think I could and I kinda look like a camel when I do. I am looking forward to Thursday when they start the process to fix this.....
Peace out!

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