Monday, April 28, 2008

Wow, it's been a LONG time.......

Here are some progress pics:


My very subborn impacted canines after re-exposure
These ones are lining up very nicely!

On March 25th I went back to my oral surgeon to have those two impacted canines re-exposed. They had moved in at least three months but I am guessing even longer than that! That was a very weird experience but i was not put under, they just used local anesthesia. He told me that I would feel some weird sensations like some tapping....well, it was more like pounding! Over and over he pounded at my right canines. It hurt my head. It almost felt like my nose was going to bleed because my brain was shaking. But other than that the procedure was easy, the pain was very minimal afterwards. Just a little sore if I touched and it healed up in a little more than a week! Since then, I am not sure that they have moved much. Hopefully this will do the trick!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Starting to look somewhat normal again....

As you can see, the gap is closing up very nicely. It has only been 3 months and my gap is almost gone! I feel very blessed because of this, I don't know if it is any faster than normal but it has flown by and got here quicker than I thought. I go back to the ortho on Oct 1st where they will put a bracket on the adult tooth that is erupting (you can see it from my open mouth picture) and they will start pulling that down. Yay! I still can't tell a difference in my profile but I think that may take a little while longer. Also my left side has finished uprighting but my right side is being very subborn and taking quite some time.

Monday, August 27, 2007

It's been a few weeks....

Since the last time I posted here is what has happened...I went to the ortho and got a new archwire as well as a plastic tie on my front four teeth. They also took the hardware off of one of the adult teeth that is growing in. Yay! Since then my gap has closed quite a bit...this I am very excited about. But one thing I noticed is that my left front tooth has moved back into place already and is lined up correctly with my bottom front teeth. But my right front tooth is the one that is not lined up and is probably the one that needs to move in order for the gap to close. I don't know if this is normal or not but you can tell by my pictures that its not even on both sides.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I think I have finally come to the point that I HATE this GAP!! Yesterday my husband and I were looking for a new car and the salesman asked if I was his daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do I really look THAT much younger with a huge gap in my teeth?!?! My hubby is six years older than me but he doesn't even look old enough to have a child that old, which I am assuming he thought I was 12-13...I don't know. I wanted to slap him. Needless to say, we did NOT buy a car from him. UG!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Running out of rubberbands...

I am running out of ortho is supposed to mail me more. Anyways, It has been 1 month and 15 days since my surgery, 26 days since I have stopped expanding and 21 days since I got braces. I have noticed change but you know, it just never goes fast enough. But I guess I am not complaining too much at this point.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I feel like I am finally starting to see a difference in my gap. It might not be noticable in this picture but I have been measuring it with the tip on my eye shadow brush. When I first got the braces I was able to put the whole brush in the gap and move it back and forth and hit the sides of my teeth. Now it wont even fit in the gap...woo hoo!! I think it has moved because of the rubberbands that I have been putting over the brackets. I started out with only one and moved to two also helps hide the gap a little. Im very excited that it has finally started to shift!!